Out Of Home • SOCIAL
Client: Walt Disney Studios, 2023
For the theatrical release of Wakanda Forever, we took a talent-centric, music-forward approach on our AV OOH and social marketing pieces. We strived to give each member of the cast a well-earned spotlight moment. We paired strong kinetic energy with an elevated design aesthetic (inspired by the elegant gold accents from Black Panther’s suit. Resulting in a campaign - that we feel - is a celebration of Wakanda itself.
YouTube Visualizer for
Rihanna - Lift Me Up Instrumental
JFK Tunnel, NYC
Penn Center, NYC
Marriott Times Square, NYC
Grove, Los Angeles
WOW Media, Los Angeles
“Rhythms of Change” TikTok
“Black Panther Reveal” Instagram
“High Tech” Instagram
“Fierce Females” TikTok
“Characters In Focus - Namor” TikTok
“Epic Showdown” Instagram